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Thoughts on Maleficient

Thursday, June 19, 2014
I caught Maleficient two weeks ago, thanks to the 'pressure' on social media. Literally every tweet about Maleficient was "OMG ITS SO GOOD". And yeah, I grabbed my fatspo and made him purchase the tixs because I couldn't pronounce Mer-leh-fer-shen.

Kids when you don't know how to pronounce a word, don't say it. This is not Cambridge Oral Examination, I won't mark you down just because you refuse to pronounce Maleficient. Don't try, no 'but's.

There we were queuing and H asked me, "do you know what its about?"
so I answered him "Yeah, Angelina Jolie, duh."
(P/s: Honwee rarely watch a movie that he has no idea about. I think its his pet peeve, lol.)

That was how clueless we were. To think that we ditched HTTYD2 (the most anticipated movie.... well for H & I at least) for it because of twitter. Well done Noah Glass, and your three other friends whose names I am too lazy to type.

Anyhow we watched the movie, and I loved it. The little girl as little Maleficient was brilliant. She was bright, lovely and absolutely charming. I think she played Maleficient really well. Little Maleficient grew up, and this human messed up and took her wings blah, blah. I liked it. I really did.


UNTIL.... until this point of the movie where they were finding a 'cure' for the sleeping curse. I knew Angelina Jolie was going to save her, thanks Frozen, you weren't very helpful. I didn't receive the impact I had when I watched Frozen. I left the theatre with Honwee feeling really lousy for what could have been the movie of the year if not for the spoiler in Frozen.

I was reasoning out with Honwee, actually I wasn't really reasoning out because he agrees, that if Frozen came out AFTER Maleficient, then it would both have been a really good movie. Maleficient would have spoiled the sister saving shit for Frozen, but there were countless of plot twist in Frozen and they have that 'let it go' and 'love is an open door' song that Honwee and I couldn't stop singing to. So yeah, it could have been a win-win situation but Frozen came out earlier. Selfish bitch.